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The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L & I) has released what's called a Preproposal Statement of Inquiry, which means it's considering rule changes. This inquiry pertains to conditions and rules at warehouse distribution centers.

L & I have fined Amazon four times in WA

Over the last year or so, the state has issued citations, or fines, against multiple Amazon fulfillment, or distribution centers in WA.  In a case against the center in Tumwater, as well as Spokane,  L&I accused Amazon of knowingly putting workers at risk and committing other safety violations.

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Now, L & I  has released a list of potential new rules and will be holding hearings in the near future to hear testimony and information.

The proposed rule changes include:

  • "Provide written notices to employees of quotas they are subject to
  •  Provide employees their personal work speed data and work speed data for similar employees at the same location when requested
  • Ensure time considered in the quota include: - Time for rest breaks and reasonable time to travel to designated locations for rest breaks; - Reasonable travel time to on-site designated meal break locations; and -Time to perform any activity required by the employer in order to do the work subject to any quota
  •  Prohibits adverse actions against an employee for failure to meet a quota in violation of the requirements"

L & I is expected to release information soon about where and when they will hold the public hearings on these proposed changes.

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