Have you ever had a child walk in the front door of your home, all saucer-eyed with an unfamiliar dog in tow? I have, and with all of our children grown, I'd thought that I'd seen the last of those days.

My wife, however, must not have gotten the memo.

Lost Dog in Yakima.

We already have two big dogs in our home, but her heart might be even bigger, so when she spotted a little dog, limping across the icy-cold street, dragging a long leash behind him, she couldn't just pass him by.

She stopped the car, gathered up the little fellow, and spent an hour or so, looking around the neighborhood for 'Steve's' owners. Uh, yeah, Steve is his temporary name. He looks like a Steve to me. Anyhoo, it was too late in the afternoon to make it to the Humane Society, so she borrowed a kennel from a family friend, brought Steve home, and made sure he was fed, comfortable, and warm. Then she endeavored to get his picture and details on social media.

Do You Recognize This Dog?

Lori Stephenson
Lori Stephenson

Do you happen to recognize Steve? He's quite calm, friendly, and chill. He does have a pronounced limp and we can't tell if it's a recent injury or just something Steve has lived with for a while. He is male. That much is clear. He's about 35% doggie - um - part. Impressive.

Hopefully, we'll make a connection with someone via social media who knows where Steve belongs. If not, we'll likely ask the folks at the Yakima Humane Society to look after him, since they're equipped and are a likely spot for Steve's owners to look for him. We don't know why he was connected to such a long leash, but it looks a lot like he may have been tied up, which would be a shame. Steve also smelled of cigarette smoke but doesn't seem like the smoker type.

Here's Where to Contact us Regarding Steve the Terrier

I'm guessing that Steve is a Terrier mix. And may I say again, Steve is an awesome little fellow who is being a very polite house guest, but I'm sure he just wants to get home. If you can help, reach out by emailing HERE.

Lori Stephenson
Lori Stephenson

RANKED: Here Are the 63 Smartest Dog Breeds

Does your loyal pup's breed make the list? Read on to see if you'll be bragging to the neighbors about your dog's intellectual prowess the next time you take your fur baby out for a walk. Don't worry: Even if your dog's breed doesn't land on the list, that doesn't mean he's not a good boy--some traits simply can't be measured.

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