HOG MC YWCA Toy Run Is Nov. 12 — Bring Toys For The Kids
It's the time of the season when we start thinking about the needs of others. I know we should think about it more often, but sometimes it just slips are mind. That is why events like this are set up -- to remind us that there are others more in need than ourselves. The Harley Owners Group Motorcycle Club has put together a toy run for the YWCA of Yakima. We all go to make sure the kids and the families who use the YWCA have those toys for Christmas. It's also cool to because the YWCA has chili and cornbread when we get to the end of the motorcycle run.
Meet at Owens Harley-Davidson Nov. 12 at 10 a.m. for some coffee and doughnuts and to hang out with some really good friends before kickstands up at noon. Hope to see you there!
Owens Harley-Davidson is at 1710 North First St. in Yakima. We will head to the YWCA on Yakima Avenue. It is going to be fun!
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