Don’t Have a Face Mask? Here Are 2 Places You Can Get One
I have been re-using the youth face mask I picked up at my daughter's pediatric clinic back in March. I know the medical experts say we are not supposed to reuse our face masks, but I can't find face masks to buy anywhere. I didn't really have any other choice.
No face masks available at Walgreens.
No face masks available at Rite Aid.
No face masks available at Target.
My mom recently sent me a brand new sewing machine. She says she wants me to teach my 9-year-old daughter Willow how to sew so she sent me a brand new sewing machine. She knows that I have no idea how to use the machine but that didn't stop her from having it delivered. This brand new machine has been sitting in its delivery box for weeks. I always have the intention of opening it. I want to open it. I want to learn how to use it. I just get overwhelmed whenever I look at it.
When the coronavirus first started spreading around and we got rushed into quarantine, I had all these big dreams of using our new sewing machine to make face masks for first responders. I even bought some material from the fabric store. You guessed it, here we are nearly two whole months later and that sewing machine and those new fabrics are still sitting in a huddle underneath my desk.
Let's face it, I am not going to be opening up that sewing machine to make any face masks anytime soon.
I finally found two face masks at Quick Stop convenience store (702 W Yakima Ave)! They were around $2.50 each. The very next day after I bought them, I found out that Hy's Mini Mart (1219 W Lincoln Ave) announced they are giving away face masks for free until they run out. Sweet!