Does Yakima Have a Secret Red Light Camera?
Way back in 2010, the Yakima City Council basically said "heck no, we won't go" for installing red-light cameras in our town. (Whew, because I'd probably have a few hundred of those tickets by now, oops, er, I meant that my friends probably would!)
I recently read that the city of Pasco has agreed to have the red light cameras and they've already issued out warning tickets to 600 vehicles in less than 30 days!
I did a Google search just to see if there were any hidden red light cameras in Yakima and this website claims there is one installed at at South 32nd Avenue and Tieton Drive The website says that red light cameras are not the ones we see on top of the lights, rather they are hidden off to the side.
Red light cameras are located on the side or the corner of the intersection. Drivers often mistake traffic cameras which are located on the traffic pole. These cameras are monitoring traffic flow only and do not issue photo enforced tickets.
If you want to know what the city of Yakima has to say about any red light cameras, hidden or out in the open, contact City Hall here. Meanwhile, I went to the red light at 32nd and Tieton, and I saw nothing out of the ordinary.
There is no secret red light camera in Yakima!