CWU Students Can ALL Tap the Craft Brewing Courses Come Fall 2021
What once was reserved for only a certain section of the student body at Ellensburg's Central Washington University, will now be offered to ALL on campus as the very popular and much sought after spots in the Central Washington University craft brewing courses will be open to ALL students moving forward, starting in the Fall of 2021, not just those in the College of the Sciences (COTS). Pretty cool they announced it on National Beer Day, right?
At Central Washington University, science students have long studied the nuances of craft brewing in a plethora of classes unique to Wildcat country. Now, CWU brass will allow students from all different majors to sign up as eligibility is set to be expanded.
Go here to take a deeper dive and blow the froth off a couple to get the skinny about the Craft Brewing (CRBW) program at Central Washington University, the only four-year craft brewing degree program on the West Coast, according to school officials.

If the idea was to make the course more accessible, a lot more accessible, mission accomplished. Hey thanks for dropping that Physics requirement and replacing other general university requirements with more specific courses like "‘Beer Styles of the World."
Here's how to say "Cheers" around the world:
Czech: Na zdravi
Pronounced: Naz-drah vi
Meaning: Cheers
Dutch: Proost
Pronounced: Prohst
Meaning: Cheers
French: Santé! / À votre santé!
Pronounced: Sahn-tay / Ah la vo-tre sahn-tay
Meaning: To your health
German: Prost / Zum wohl
Pronounced: Prohst / Tsum vohl
Meaning: Cheers/ to your health
Greek: ΥΓΕΙΑ
Pronounced: Yamas
Meaning: Health
Irish Gaelic: Sláinte
Pronounced: Slawn-cha
Meaning: Health
Italian: Salute / Cin cin
Pronounced: Saw-lutay / Chin chin
Meaning: Health/ cheers
Japanese: 乾杯/ Kanpai
Pronounced: Kan-pie
Meaning: Cheers/ Empty the glass
Moldovan: Noroc
Pronounced: No-rock
Meaning: Luck
Polish: Na zdrowie
Pronounced: Naz-droh-vee-ay
Meaning: To your health
Portugese: Saúde
Pronounced: Saw-OO-de
Meaning: Health
Spanish: Salud
Pronounced: Sah-lud
Meaning: Health
Swedish: Skål
Pronounced: Skawl
Meaning: Cheers (and don’t forget to look everyone in the eye!)
Did you know the following:
1) The world's oldest beer recipe comes from approximately 1800 B.C. in ancient Mesopotamia. And people today have brewed it . . . and found it tasted dry.
2) People believe beer drinkers are more approachable than people who drink any other type of booze.
3) 65% of adults drink between 1-4 beers a week but 9% drink at least 16 beers every week.
4) 14% of people say their Dad introduced them to beer.
5) Beer goggles do exist. 67% of beer goggle wearers never see their hookup after their original encounter. 32% of women and 24% of men have regretted their 'beer goggle' experience.
6) Two-thirds (67%) of women and 84% of men like to drink alcohol on a first date.
7) 13% of people have dropped their phone in beer while watching a sporting event.
8) 26% of people would give up smoking and beer for a year in order to ensure a second term for Donald Trump (Gallup).
9) 48% of beer drinkers admit to cheating in a relationship.
The brew masters at CWU aren't the only members of academia dishing sweet stats about the suds. A study by the University of Illinois at Chicago reveals that drinking beer could help prevent breast cancer in women. The study shows that hops may activate chemicals that prevent tumors from developing. One of the ingredients in hops increases the rate of estrogen metabolism.
And speaking of hops, a study by Oregon State University reveals that beer can improve your memory because of a compound found in hops called xanthohumol.