What Does The Chinese New Year Have In Store For Your Animal Sign?
An article written by my friend Mai just reminded me that Friday, February 16th ushered in the celebration of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Tiger. Unfortunately, I have been so busy that I didn't even get to celebrate it!
The last time I attended a true celebration of the Chinese New Year was back in 2009. It was the year of the Ox.
My friends Erin and Pat hosted a really fun Chinese New Year party at their home in Zillah. Each guest was asked to bring a side dish that corresponded to celebrating the Chinese culture. (I wasn't a great cook, so I just brought some wine.) There were delicious dumplings, egg rolls, and various pork and chicken dishes. The party was such a big hit and lasted until the wee hours of the morning. I ended up staying the night in their guest room because I didn't want to drive back to Yakima. It was such a fun night!
2018 brings us the year of the Dog, and since I was born in the year of the Tiger, I am naturally curious what the year will "bring" me. You can search here to find out what animal you are for the year you were born. You can click here to see what is in store for your animal sign in 2018.
Because I am curious, I am going to see what's in store for MY sign!
What is in store for The Tiger in 2018:
- Win extra money in gambling - I have already lost $20 this year at the casino
- It will be hard to get a promotion - I have already lost out on my job promotion
- Stable income from a job - I have that going for me, so there's that.
- Success from real-estate projects with friends - I have actually been considering getting a real estate license. Perhaps I should jump on that!
- Catch "golden development opportunities" from the news - I have been inspired by the high school students in Parkland, Florida, to increase my social activism in the Yakima community.
- Finding a soul mate through increased outside activities - I just signed up foTinder the other day, so we'll see how that goes!
- Need to improve communication skills with leaders - I plan to get back into advocacy volunteering in 2018, which will take me in front of City Council members and State Legislators.
- Start a balanced diet and avoid high mountains - I ate a salad yesterday and I hate climbing mountains, so I think I'm off to a great start.
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