Can You Help Identify This Yakima Man’s Family?
I would like to talk about the caring hearts of the Yakima community for a moment. Social media can be the worst on occasions but at this moment, I am so happy to be connected.
My co-worker Timmy sent me a story about an incident that happened three days ago and a call to action is needed. Can you help us locate Eudosio Salgado's family?

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What Happened
Tonight after a big dinner we had with family something unexpectedhappen. Our neighbor noticed someone was trying to break into his car. We went over to see how we could help him. Then we all realize that it was an elderly man with Alzheimer's. This was heartbreaking to witnessIt's 32 degrees outside with no sweater. Cold to the touch. Called for help but they couldn't help him. The ambulance can only take him to the hospital. Couldn't give him a ride to the facility. He was lost earlier today.
So they told us if we can give him a ride to the facility. Gave him a sweater, blanket and fed him food. He ate like he hasn't eaten in days
Took him to where the paramedics told me to take him but that facility isn't for cases like this because he can go as he please and get lost again.
I took pictures in order to help locate his family or anyone who knows him.He had a big scar on the right side of his head Speaks only Spanish.Humble person. HELP LOCATE HIS FAMILY. If he doesn’t get help he will end up frozen. This event hit our family hard, so sad to end up that way.
Lord help him. Lord help all the people with Alzheimer's. - from Armando and Vanessa Median
I have reached out to the Latino Community Fund and also to Armando and Vanessa who are being so kind to continuously check up on this gentleman and make sure he hasn't disappeared again. They have also contacted Adult Protective Services and a case has been opened, he currently was not in the system.
This isn't something that happens every day but if you ever had a moment where you were able to help, hopefully, this post helps assist in what to do next. It takes a village to care for our people, especially our elders so thank you!
The Power of Radio
I'd like to use the reach of our station and my sister stations to hopefully get his photo out to the right people, to get him back to his family. Would you be so kind to share?
Please Help Find Eudosio's Family
Missing Persons: Washington State Patrol
LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?
Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.
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