WATCH These Ancient Commercials from The Yakima Bon Marché from the 90s
I wrote an article last week about how people miss so many stores from the old Yakima Mall. One of the stores that kept coming up in the comments was the Bon Marche. Well, guess what? I have found several old Bon Marche commercials from the 80s and 90s that if you love the store, you will get a kick out of watching them.
When I first moved to Yakima in 2002, I remember going to the Bon Marche. They were having a going-out-of-business sale and so I was able to find so many cute clothes and accessories there. Yakima locals have so many great memories of the old Yakima Mall and many people had their first jobs at The Bon Marché. The remember some of those cheesy commercials, too, like the one with the lady who had triplets and the crazy lady singing in the shower!

Like thousands of Yakimites, I was very sad when the store finally closed down and I was also very sad to see the catchy commercials go away. If you weren't here to experience it, you won't understand how much fun it was to see those Bon Marche commercials with the earworm-y jingle that made a parody out of that old song by Harry Belafonte. I still sing it randomly to this day!
The jingle went a little something like this: "Day-o! Daaaay-o! One day only at the Bon Marche!"
When The Bon Marche was bought out by Macy's Department store, they tried to keep the jingle going as "Bon-Macy's", but between you and me, it didn't have the same ring to it!

Are you ready to see these commercials? If so, scroll down and press play!