If you value your vehicle's paint job and/or windshield, you may want to consider avoiding certain streets in the next few weeks.

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Beginning next Monday evening, and continuing for the next couple of weeks, 88th Avenue, Kail Drive, Hawthorn Drive, Poplar View Way, and North Scenic Drive will be chip sealed. In layman's terms, tarred and graveled.

Crews will be working Monday through Thursday from approximately 6:30 p.m. - 3:30 a.m.

While the practice of chip sealing can be something of a headache for motorists, it is much more cost-effective to taxpayers than the cost of laying new blacktop. According to the City of Yakima, the "cost of an asphalt overlay is about $90,000 per mile.  By comparison, the cost for chip sealing is $16,000 a mile."

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