A Rally is Planned to Honor the Police Saturday in Kennewick
A Back the Blue rally is the brainchild of a Kennewick man and his daughter and they plan on holding a demonstration in front of Kennewick City Hall and the Kennewick Police Department headquarters across the street beginning at noon this Saturday, June 20th, from noon to 2:00 p.m.
After three consecutive weekends of area Black Lives Matter protests, they want to defend the police while others are calling to defund the police. Protesters have been outraged about police brutality, and have been calling for cutting police budgets nationwide and here in Tri-Cities as well, Organizers are stressing this rally is not meant to detract from the Black Lives Matter protests. They are only trying to provide support to the good officers who work at the police department.
Speakers that have committed to attend include businessman and 2019 Tri-Citian of the year Dave Retter and State Representatives Boehnke and Klippert.

Mike Beauchamp and his daughter Michelle Mercer are the organizers of the event saying, "We are rallying to support our local police officers. Our goal is simple: That our men and women in blue and their families hear and see that they are appreciated and that we stand with them."
If you plan on attending to show your support, you are encouraged the bring your family members; make and display signs, cards and placards; and wear blue.
Do you, someone in your immediate family, or a member of your extended family, plan on attending this event? If yes, will you tell your friends and encourage them to join you in support of law enforcement?