A Good Tax? Authorities Hope Voters Support 3/10th’s Tax
It's called the 3/10ths tax or the law and justice sales tax and it helps support local law enforcement. This November you'll see it on the ballot asking you to make the tax a permanent tax.
The tax brings in $13 million each year for local law enforcement
It brings in millions of dollars every year. It was first passed in 2004 and currently voters need to approve the tax every five years. It was started as a way to supplement funding for local police and sheriff's deputies. Since then the sales tax has brought in an average of $13 million each year for not only the police and sheriff's departments but also courts and prosecutors up and down the Yakima Valley.
When you buy something in Yakima you support law and justice
The money supports law and justice across the board say local authorities. So every time you purchase something in Yakima County you help support local law enforcement.
Yakima County Prosecutor Joe Brusic and Yakima County Sheriff Bob Udell says they hope voters support the ongoing tax of 0.3% and they hope they support making the law and justice sales tax permanent rather than having to ask voters to renew the tax every five years.
The money raised through the tax is used in a variety of ways
The question on whether or not it should be made permanent will appear the November ballot for voters in Yakima County. Check out a sample ballot https://www.yakimacounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/29015/Sample-ballot-General-2021
Voters have overwhelmingly supported the tax since it was started in 2004 and now authorities are hoping to not have to ask voters every year to renew the tax.
The tax money is distributed every year to agencies in the Yakima Valley allowing each agency to use the money where they need it most from hiring police officers to prosecutors and for everything in between including police equipment.
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