A Box of Chicken Wings Tested Positive for Coronavirus
This has got to be a story from The Onion, but no.
A box of chicken wings indeed tested positive for COVID-19, according to some scientists in Shenzhen. The wings were frozen in the first place, so I want to know what gave somebody the idea to test the chicken in the first place. Perhaps the scientists checked the chicken in question because they arrived from Brazil, where coronavirus cases have exploded. Brazil is, in fact, #2 in the world that has been struck by the pandemic, behind the USA.
The Covidwings are the first reported case of coronavirus being detected in imported food to China. We do not have any such reported stories about infected chicken wings in America. Actually, no such cases of infected food have been discovered in any other country so far, so that is a good thing. The Chinese scientists were able to determine that no humans who processed the box of frozen chicken wings have COVID-19. What a relief. This is egg-ceptional news!
Even though there has only been one reported case of infected imported food, this story is especially alarming to hypochondriacs like me. During the first few months of the initial coronavirus quarantine, I would wake up every day saying to myself, "This is it, I've got The Rona, I'm gonna die." You would have thought I was Fred Sanford if you had seen me.
Well, I am happy to report, I haven't died yet nor have I been diagnosed with any coronavirus symptoms, but you tell that to my anxiety-ridden mind!
Fowl play is afoot if you ask me!
KEEP READING: See states hit hardest by COVID-19’s impact on tourism
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