If you/ve got it, flaunt it! I don't know if I necessarily agree with that saying, but there are neighborhoods where real estate is higher than others. Let's take a look at the most expensive neighborhoods in Yakima.

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    Scenic Drive

    You probably already knew this would come in first place as the most expensive neighborhood. The big houses, the gated lawns, up on the hill looking down on everyone, this area of town is the most expensive neighborhood in Yakima. Still, the average price of a house in this area is $252,328, which isn't too bad. Yes, there are million-dollar mansions, but there are standard houses, too. Kind of cool to drive through sometimes.

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    I like this area. It's kind of away from the city, but not too far away. The average price of a home is $251,915 with many new homes being built often.

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    If you head farther west of West Valley, you'll find these homes that often have livestock and big yards. The average price of a home in this area is $235,959.

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    In the meat of Yakima is the Barge-Lincoln area. A spot so hot for trick-or-treating they actually close the roads to accommodate kids walking across the streets. Some great homes in this area with an average price of $201,161

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    Terrace Heights

    When in doubt, you can also look into East Valley for a great place to be. On the other side of the freeway, I know several people who live around here and love it. The average price of a home will cost around $181,704.

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    West Valley

    A great area with great schools. West Valley wouldn't be a bad place to be with houses at an average of $181,087.

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    Pomona Heights

    The average price of a home around here is $174,909. I'm pretty sure most of that price comes from the acres you'd be having to maintain with your agriculture, though.

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    Tieton Drive

    This residential area is a prime spot if you want to be near everything. Homes are about $170,483, on average.

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