2020 Census – Are You Ready To Be Counted – It’s Just A Month Away
You are invited....or rather, you are about to be!
Starting in March, American households will begin receiving invitations to participate in the 2020 Census and a news release from the City of Yakima tells us what to do next.
Once the invitation arrives, you can respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone or by mail. Census Day is April 1st and by that date every home will have received an invitation to participate in the Census.
The Census will include 10 questions for the head of household to fill out, as well as eight questions for other household members.
Also in April, Census takers will begin visiting those who live in large group settings such as assisted living facilities and college campuses.
In May, the U.S. Census Bureau will begin visiting homes that haven’t responded to the 2020 Census.
Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution requires that a census be conducted. Originally, the main purpose for conducting a census was to establish representation in Congress. Today, in addition to its many other benefits, the census is an important tool for determining how state and federal funding is allocated to local governments.
With $800 billion in federal funding at stake for communities nationwide, it is vital that all Yakima homes participate in the Census to ensure an accurate count.
“We only get one chance every 10 years at achieving a full count. This data will inform important policy decisions and determine federal funding allocations for a decade,” said City of Yakima Communications & Public Affairs Director Randy Beehler. “For example, funding for transportation projects, community development grants, and school construction are determined in part by the census numbers. That’s why a complete and accurate count is so important.”
“Fill out your form to help make sure we here in Yakima don’t miss out on our share of resources,” Beehler said.
Visit https://2020census.gov/ for more about the 2020 Census.
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