
Top 3 Yakima Restaurants that would Dominate Guy’s Grocerery Game
Top 3 Yakima Restaurants that would Dominate Guy’s Grocerery Game
Top 3 Yakima Restaurants that would Dominate Guy’s Grocerery Game
Guy Fieri's show Guy's Grocery Game is taking the food network by storm, and people are arguing about whether or not their favorite restaurant could go the distance. We know these three Yakima restaurants would dominate the show if they got the chance to compete.
Who's got the sizzle?
Who's got the sizzle?
Who's got the sizzle?
Steak Photo Credit  True story: When I married my wife we were gifted half a beef, which basically means we got half of a cow cut up into various cuts of steak. I didn't have a clue what cut was different from the others outside of T-bone has a bone in the shape of the letter T. I took it for granted because I didn't know how to prepare or cook steak outside of using a George Foreman Grill. Now I