Celebrate Freedom Saturday at the Yakima Training Center FestivalCelebrate Freedom Saturday at the Yakima Training Center FestivalBut this Saturday everyone is invited to the 2023 Yakima Training Center’s Fall Festival. It's set for 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Ecology Wants Major Cleanup Of Yakima Training CenterEcology Wants Major Cleanup Of Yakima Training CenterA press release says currently, the Army is conducting cleanup efforts without public review or Ecology oversight.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Find Suspicious Device Close RoadsYakima Police Find Suspicious Device Close RoadsThey say the incident is NOT related to the shooting early Tuesday morning.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Was Yakima Bombed? Here’s Where Those Loud Booms Are Coming FromWas Yakima Bombed? Here’s Where Those Loud Booms Are Coming FromField artillery live fire training is going on now at the Yakima Training Center.Todd LyonsTodd Lyons