How To Report A UFO Sighting In Washington State!How To Report A UFO Sighting In Washington State!See Something! Say Something!Timmy!Timmy!
Where Does Washington Rank In Top UFO Hot Spots?Where Does Washington Rank In Top UFO Hot Spots?The truth is out there, and so is the rankings!Timmy!Timmy!
One WA City Stands Out for UFO SightingsOne WA City Stands Out for UFO SightingsRunning the numbers from 2000 to 2023, there have been 112,914 UFO sightings reported to the National UFO Reporting Center!Timmy!Timmy!
WTF!?! Alien Like ‘Sky Squid’ Filmed Over CaliforniaWTF!?! Alien Like ‘Sky Squid’ Filmed Over CaliforniaIt's a bird, it's a plane, it's THE KRAKEN?!?!? What do you think it is?Timmy!Timmy!
UFO Filmed Around Air Force One In CaliforniaUFO Filmed Around Air Force One In California"Take me to your leader! What? We just passed him?"Timmy!Timmy!
WTF? It’s Not A Drone! Strange Star-Shaped UFO Filmed In CaliforniaWTF? It’s Not A Drone! Strange Star-Shaped UFO Filmed In CaliforniaFilmed over the Santa Monica sky, in late August. This weird star-shaped object raises many questions. Timmy!Timmy!
WTF? Weird Lights Captured In The Yakima Sky!WTF? Weird Lights Captured In The Yakima Sky!Santa? No! Superman? No! Aliens? Maybe...Timmy!Timmy!
What Landed In A Swimming Pool in Delta, British Columbia?What Landed In A Swimming Pool in Delta, British Columbia?A Canadian man witnessed a "black lightning bolt" and a huge splash! Timmy!Timmy!
WATCH: California Sky Lit Up By Cluster of Fiery UFOsWATCH: California Sky Lit Up By Cluster of Fiery UFOsWhat do you think it is? Aliens, spy balloon, bird, plane, satellites?Timmy!Timmy!
Video of Bizarre Orbs Filmed Over Yakima! UFO, Drone, Spy Balloon?Video of Bizarre Orbs Filmed Over Yakima! UFO, Drone, Spy Balloon?Probably not a spy balloon... but they are all the rage right now!Timmy!Timmy!