Viola Davis’ ‘Waller’ to Get Her Own DC Series on HBO MaxViola Davis’ ‘Waller’ to Get Her Own DC Series on HBO Max‘The Suicide Squad’ is getting another spinoff.Matt SingerMatt Singer
James Gunn Is Pitching a Secret DC ProjectJames Gunn Is Pitching a Secret DC ProjectBut what could it be?Matt SingerMatt Singer
Top 5 Celebrities Coming to Washington State Summer ConTop 5 Celebrities Coming to Washington State Summer ConWashington Summer Con is happening on June 17th thru the 19th, with some of the biggest names in movies comics, and television attending, Here are the top 5 biggest names attending this year and where to get your tickets.RyderRyder
Viola Davis’ Amanda Waller to Get ‘Peacemaker’ Spinoff ShowViola Davis’ Amanda Waller to Get ‘Peacemaker’ Spinoff ShowThe Suicide Squad leader will return to the spotlight.codymcintoshcodymcintosh
‘Peacemaker’: Every Episode 4 Easter Egg‘Peacemaker’: Every Episode 4 Easter EggThere’s some real DC Comics love in this episode.ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff
‘Peacemaker’ Teaser Announces Series Premiere Date on HBO Max‘Peacemaker’ Teaser Announces Series Premiere Date on HBO MaxJohn Cena reprises his role from ‘The Suicide Squad.’ScreenCrush StaffScreenCrush Staff
New HBO Max Spot Reveals First Footage From ‘Peacemaker’New HBO Max Spot Reveals First Footage From ‘Peacemaker’John Cena never takes off that costume.Matt SingerMatt Singer