Interview for Multiple Jobs at White Pass This SaturdayInterview for Multiple Jobs at White Pass This SaturdayAfter the job fair everyone is invited to the annual Octoberfest event at the day lodge from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Working Where You Play Job Fair at White Pass Next MonthWorking Where You Play Job Fair at White Pass Next MonthEach year the resort depends more than 100 people to operate the ski area in a variety of jobs indoors and outdoors.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
The 4 Best Pretzels and Where to Find them in YakimaThe 4 Best Pretzels and Where to Find them in YakimaIt's National Pretzel day, so we're giving you 4 delicious places to go celebrate in the Yakima Valley. Whether you like old-school pretzels or wanna try something new, you'll find it here. RyderRyder
Octoberfest and Job Fair Saturday at White Pass Ski AreaOctoberfest and Job Fair Saturday at White Pass Ski AreaEach job is in a different department. You can interview for as many departments as you want.Lance TormeyLance Tormey