WOW, why all the beef with hippies? Why do they get such a bad rep? The Pacific Northwest is crawling with hippies, including the O.G.s left from the 60s, as well as the neo-hippies of today. (I think I just made that term up, is there such a thing as a neo-hippie...
While another season of beauty is coming to an end, we here in the Wenatchee Valley are proud of this little wonder we have. It really should be named "one of the 7 wonders of the world."
Facts about Washington state are always so fun to read, I always walk away with new knowledge that we may or may not need, non the less, my brain feels expanded!
In the 2022 Legislative Session, the State House and Senate passed HB 1530 which authorize the creation of another special license plate for Washingtonians to purchase.