Cherries Galore: Chukar Cherries Busy Processing Fresh FruitCherries Galore: Chukar Cherries Busy Processing Fresh FruitA press release says this season Chukar Cherries will end up processing more than a half a million pounds of Washington cherries for use in "tree-to-table cherry gifts and treats." Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Prosser’s Chukar Cherry Company Sends Sweet Help To HawaiiProsser’s Chukar Cherry Company Sends Sweet Help To Hawaii Officials at Chukar say the raised the $5000 donation by allocating a portion of proceeds from one day of sales.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
One GIANT Moth Is on the Run in Bellevue WA: It’s HUGEOne GIANT Moth Is on the Run in Bellevue WA: It’s HUGEThis is the first reported sighting of this species of moth in the country.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio