Learn to spot deepfakes with this fun quizLearn to spot deepfakes with this fun quizDo you know how to spot a deepfake? These quizzes will help you become a pro.Jaime SkeltonJaime Skelton
One-Click AI Songwriting Platform Attracts $125M InvestmentOne-Click AI Songwriting Platform Attracts $125M InvestmentSuno developers won’t say whose music-informed system that delivers complete tracks from text prompts.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Beware: AI Technology Can Be Used To Fake KidnappingBeware: AI Technology Can Be Used To Fake KidnappingBeware of virtual kidnapping scam in Grant County. Keep phone conversations short to avoid voice replication by scammers.Chris HansenChris Hansen
White Castle Will Use AI In 100 Drive-Thru Locations By the End of 2024White Castle Will Use AI In 100 Drive-Thru Locations By the End of 2024Your fast food next order could be taken by an AI voicebot.Meg DowdyMeg Dowdy
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