My name is Todd E. Lyons. On the radio you may know me as “Todd E. Lyons, Esquire.” I have been on the airwaves in Yakima since 1989 and look forward to it every day. I was born in Seattle, the son of a sharecropper. My family and I moved to the “Fruit Bowl of the Nation” when I was a wee lad of only 7. I spent my formative years in the West Valley of Yakima, indoctrinated in public school. I became keenly familiar with the “special” desk while attending Apple Valley Elementary. The teachers referred to it as the “isolation booth,” but I called it the “special desk.” Most of what I know today, however, can be credited to the “School of Hard Knocks.” I currently reside in East Valley with my lovely wife, Carrie, and our son, Drew. I am extremely fortunate to work on the very radio stations I grew up listening to. So much so that I not only was once a client, I became an employee! If you ever see me stumbling about this great valley of ours, please give me a shout. I would love to talk with you about rock music, sports, individual liberty or whatever spins your beanie!