2019’s Top Trending Toys to Get for the Child in Your Life
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The holiday season is upon us, and the top toys are out for the season. From learning to active play, they've got all the bases covered. Here are the trending toys you'll want for the child in your life this season.
Ding, ding, ding goes the bell as they race down the street. This classic red tricycle with tassels and adjustable seat will keep your kid racing around for a few years until their ready to upgrade to a big kid bike.
Buy it: https://amzn.to/35gOsOT
Let your kids play house in a kitchen that's just their size. It comes complete with a microwave, fridge, stove, oven and sink so they'll be able to cook all their favorite make-believe meals.
Buy it: https://amzn.to/33Y3Kb7
Let your kid mix the ideal slime with the Putty Lab. Complete with magnetic putty, glow in the dark putty, snotty slime and more, it even has containers for them all once they're mixed.
Buy it: https://amzn.to/2QzDqQU
This fun new take on Monopoly breaks you into teams on a mission to collect titles like most huggable or cutest babies. Compete to see which adorable creature is best or try out Monopoly Voice Banking.
Buy it: https://amzn.to/2NZMGvL
Coding is an art, so why not create art with coding with Artie 3000. Try out one of the preprogrammed designs or try out one of the advanced coding apps. Have a little one you want to start teaching to code but their not quite ready for Artie 3000? Try out Learning Resources Coding Critters.
Buy it: https://amzn.to/332T2yO
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